Fall Colours, 2003

I happened to spend most of October 2003 in Beaconsfield, a suburb of Montreal, Canada. This was during the "Fall" season, when the whole northeast of North America enjoys resplendent foliage colours as the leaves go from green to yellow to brown to red. It all happens over a period of about a month; and so at any time there is a whole array of colorful leaves, typified by the first photo below. All photos below captured on a Canon 1Ds digital SLR camera. Maple leaves, the dominant colour provider:

Canon 100/2.8 macro lens, ISO 400, 1/160 @ f/9


I was particularly attracted by the juxtaposition of the still-fresh greens of other types of trees against the maple yellows:

Canon 100/2.8 macro, ISO 100, 1/400 @ f/4


Looking around, I noticed this squirrel going about squirreling away his provisions for the coming winter. Cute, eh? All the photos on this page were taken within the tiny suburb of Beaconsfield, either in the backyard of the house I was staying in, like the ones above and below, or in a couple of those urban pocket parks. I am not one to go on hardy photo expeditions... Besides, if you are settled in, you can wait for the sun to come out :-)

Canon 100/2.8 macro, ISO 200, 1/200 @ f/4


How can anyone resist taking a photo of that autumn Moon below, complete with a blue sky? I was a bit surprised to find that I had to close down the 100mm lens significantly in order to get both the Moon and the trees in focus. The trees were not that close; might have expected an infinity setting to suffice... Throwing in the polarizing filter in order to enhance the sky blue forced me to jack up the ISO. 

Canon 100/2.8 macro, ISO 400, 1/160 @ f/9, Polarizing Filter


Another juxtaposition of tree species. The lady who owned this garden accosted me and demanded to know what I was doing...

Canon 100/2.8 macro, ISO 320, 1/160 @ f/4.5


Taken in one of those small urban pocket parks, Centennial Park surrounding the little Beaconsfield Town Hall:

Canon 28/1.8, ISO 200, 1/80 @ f/7.1, Polarizing Filter


At another pocket park, around the corner from where I was ensconced:

Canon 50/1.4, ISO 200, 1/80 @ f/4


Same location as above. Must have been the same trees even, since this 'park' is so tiny.

Canon 100/2.8 macro, ISO 320, 1/160 @ f/5.6


Continuing attacking the same bunch of trees. Actually these photos look much better blown up large, really large; but web bandwidth forces me to offer you only these tiny versions:

Canon 28/1.8, ISO 200, 1/80 @ f/13, Polarizing Filter, Fill Flash


A truly glorious canopy! Now, if only I can find a suitable ceiling to stick a giant print of this photo onto ;-)

Tamron 14/2.8, ISO 200, 1/50 @ f/14, Fill Flash


I find that the ultra-wide perspective afforded by a 14mm lens does afford intriguing variations.

Tamron 14/2.8, ISO 200, 1/125 @ f13

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