Just Pretty Pictures
(a random selection)

Please be patient, downloading a lot of photos.
Let us start with a close-up of the eye of my landlady's son, Birmingham, England, 1963. Taken using bellows, flash and an Exakta Varex SLR:
Photos below were taken in Zanzibar in 1962 or 63. They show the path traced by a Y-pendulum. The pendulum consisted of a flashlight hanging from the ceiling by means of string and rubber bands (to make the movement less smooth) and coloured filters swinging across the light. The camera had the shutter open and was on the floor, pointing upwards.
Photo below is a double exposure, the blue in-focus, the red out-of-focus, filters on the camera this time around, rather than on the swinging light.
This is how a drop of ink bounces after hitting a saucer of milk (photo taken in Montreal, Canada; 1968)
I assure you that it takes a lot of patience to photograph a bee from this close! Another bellows and flash photo. Isle of Man, UK; 1964.
Taken at Ashford, Kent, England; 1965:
Same flower, closer:
and even closer:
Bellows close again, on a hibiscus. The large version of this one served me a long time as my PC desktop at the office:
and some desert flowers from our garden:

Since 2001 I have been using a digital SLR (Canon EOS D30). Most of the previous photos above had been taken on Kodachrome with only the last two on colour negative film. Below check out my recent efforts using the D30. It's incredibly more convenient than film, especially for checking out exposure in difficult lighting. Here is a dandelion. The sun had just come out after several days of drizzle and the little "parasols/parachutes" (what are they called anyway?) were ripe for take-off. I was trying to capture the delicacy of it all. The next day there was so much of them all over that it looked as if there had been a small, late-spring snowfall (Montreal, June 2002):

A bit closer below:

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